Kindness Week
Posted on Feb. 14, 2025PCSS celebrated Valentine's Day with Kindness Week! Our students filled out kindess hearts that decorated the halls all week, made friendship bracelets, love bugs and had "I've Got a Crush on You" pop…
PCSS celebrated Valentine's Day with Kindness Week! Our students filled out kindess hearts that decorated the halls all week, made friendship bracelets, love bugs and had "I've Got a Crush on You" pop…
Ms.Schesnuk and Red Deer Polytechnic student teacher Ms.Davis took their Science 7 class over to the multiplex yesterday to test out the structures they built for their structures and forces unit. They…
PCSS is involved in a pilot project with the division, Olds College and RDP, helping our graduating class break through barriers that might inhibit them from applying to post secondary (anxiety, indecision,…
Due to the buses not running in our community, the Sr. Boys Basketball Game will have to be rescheduled due to the inclement weather.
The band program is selling perogies made in house by our very own Vanessa. They are $15 for a bag of 25 and can be purchased online at https://www.studentquickpay.com/chinook/ from February 10 - February…
Leadership brought Ley-Anne Mountain and her bunnies in to visit with students to help with exam stress. Students were excited to have some time with the bunnies!
2025 Graduate Post Secondary Spotlight: Hayden Gambin! Hayden has been accepted to Red Deer Polytechnic in the Bachelor of Science, Psychology program. Congratulations Hayden!
Our 2025 Graduate Post Secondary Spotlight: Jullianne Henson! Jullianne has been accepted to Red Deer Polytechnic in the Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences Program.She was also awarded the RDP…
Our newest 2025 Graduate Post Secondary Spotlight: Wyatt Stackhouse!Wyatt has been accepted into Red Deer Polytechnic's Computer Programming Diploma program! Congratulations Wyatt!
Gabi, Emm, Kyla, Sav, Jess and Olivia were getting ready to cheer for their friends on the Jr Girls basketball team! Go Skyhawks!
Amiel has been accepted into the Automotive Service Technician Pre-Employment Program through CESD and Red Deer Polytechnic. He is on track to complete his courses needed to graduate high school this…
This week's 2025 Graduate Spotlight: Ryder Istace!Ryder has been accepted into the Welding Pre-Employment Program through CESD and Olds College of Agriculture & Technology. He is on track to complete…
Some of our students who will be graduating this spring are starting to get acceptance letters and make plans for their future! It's a very exciting time! Today we are putting the spotlight on Dalas.…
Student Leadership brought back the 12 Days of Christmas this year. Since December 4th we have had daily fun holiday activities.
Members from Citizens on Patrol were here today doing a presentation and demonstrations about driving while under the influence and distracted driving. Students had to "drive" with special goggles to…
Today was Leadership's Moustache Day in support of Movember and men's health. It was also free breakfast Friday, which was Vanessa's amazing homemade cinnamon buns!
Sgt. Keen came to visit our school today and answered questions about joing the armed forces.
Lisa Seidel has been visiting our school to do Careers presentations this year. This was the Career Exploration presentation she did in Mr.Hutchings CALM last week. Skilled Trades and Apprenticeships…
PCSS Cross Country runners attended CWAJHAA on Thursday, wrapping up the season. Connor G placed 8th in his race, earning a top 10 ribbon!
PCSS Jr Basketball is looking for coaches for both the boys and girls teams. If you are interested, please contact rkidd@cesd73.ca.
PCSS students went to SAIT's open house Friday where they were able to explore the campus, do some hands on exploring with Try-A-Skill booths and ask any questions they might have regarding SAIT as a…
Our PE 20/30 students enjoyed a beautiful day hiking Allstones lake near Nordegg on Thursday.
Fall Studio Link: https://booknow.appointment-plus.com/1dqj327c/?e_id=12405
The Penhold and District Library had Chef Shane M. Chartrand in as a guest today, and some of our students were invited to join his presentation. Chef Chartrand spoke about his beginnings in Penhold and…
Mr.U's Grade 7 Science class made ecosystems in a jar. Each student had to research an organism and create an environment for it to survive in the jar. Yesterday students opened their jars to see how…
We had one Sr. High Cross Country runner attend zones yesterday in Camrose. Logan ran last year as well, and his improvement is so impressive! He has really worked hard to gain endurance and speed! Amazing…
Our Jr Cross Country Team was in Innisfail at CENAA last week. They all had amazing races!
PCSS celebrated our student's excellence on October 3rd during our annual awards night.
PCSS and Vanessa offered free breakfast for all students this morning!
Our TEC 1000 crew is off to Olds College today for their first day on campus!
Bio 30 students had a busy week in the lab. They dissected brains and eyeballs last week!
Students from PCSS and Penhold Elementary came together to run the Terry Fox Run on the 19th. PCSS students were challenged to bring a Toonie for Terry. Our goal was $800, and we came very close, with…
Today was our annual Burger Bash! Thank you to Vanessa and her team for cooking for us, and a special thanks to Penhold IGA for supporting our bash!!
Today our student leadership hosted the first Crossing Cup Challenge! Grades will compete in different challenges throughout the year, collecting points as they go. The grade with the most points at the…
PCSS families are welcome to join staff and students for a burger and a visit tomorrow!
Friday will be our first Crossing Cup Challenge! Leadership students have created a year long challenge where each grade collects points in different challenges throughout the year. The grade with the…
Wishing everyone a fabulous summer! Our office will re-open August 27. See you on September 3rd!
Skywings Aviation Academy took all of the PCSS junior high students who earned honours for airplane rides last Thursday! We had 101 students fly for honours! An amazing experience for students, not to…
The Ford Family Scholarships were set up by Stewart and Eileen Ford in 2013. The scholarships were established to recognize three dimensions of school pursuits: academics, citizenship, and applied and…
Congratulations to our Jr High Track Team for bringing home our FOURTH consecutive banner! Gr 7 Girls: Relay Team First (Olivia, Elise, Kayce, Mya) Olivia: Gold Medal 1st 100m 1st…
Congratulations to our Skyhawk, Dot Trudeau! Dot and her team, U16 Alberta Fire, will compete for the provincial title this weekend after winning the league last weekend!
Please contact the office if you need to make arrangements for supplies.
Last night we hosted our first Arts Showcase here at PCSS. There were art and shop exhibits, as well as performances from the Jr and Sr High bands, Mr.Holland's Rockband option students, as well as some…
Yesterday PCSS welcomed our newest students and families during our Grade 6 Open House! We had some of our amazing staff, leadership students, and even our new VP here to help out with this special event!
Our Sr.High Band students went to Lethbridge last week to attend band camp.
Sgt.Eryn Keen from the Canadian Army Reserves was here today, doing a presentation with Mr.Heppell's Grade 10 Calm class. Students had an opportunity after the presentation to ask questions and try on…
Today, in partnership with the Town of Penhold, our staff and students were out collecting garbage throughout town for Earth Day.
Our Jr High Band students enjoyed learning new skills and making new friends at Camp Evergreen this week.
Some of our Leadership kids were invited to Jessie Duncan Elementary School to be the bees for their annual spelling bee assembly. Our PCSS students had a blast, and the JD students loved seeing the angry…
Yesterday was our Grad Pasta Dinner. Grads and Vanessa were making sure everything was perfect for dinner!
Yesterday we had Clare Butterfly here doing Tipi Teachings with our students. He had many wonderful stories and traditions to share with us. It was a great day of Indigenous learning.
On Friday we took some of our Leadership students to the Horizon's Conference in Olds. We had the opportunity to listen to two great keynote speakers, Mary Anne Oketch, the winner of Survivor 42, and…
Congratulations to our Jr Boys Basketball team winning the CWAJHAA Championship this weekend! What an awesome season guys! Go Skyhawks!!
Looking for a new career? Consider working as a school bus driver!
Order your yearbook now! Available through Student Quickpay!
Want a pass on cooking dinner during Parent Teacher Interviews, and a chance to support our 2024 Grads? Get your tickets now! On sale from Feb.15 - March 11 $18/plate March 20 5:00-6:30pm Eat in or…
Penhold Crossing Band students recently participated in the CESD Honor Band. The CESD division honor band is arranged by all the band directors in Chinook's Edge Division every two years. There are two…
This past weekend, Liam Bonderenko represented our school at the University of Alberta Honour Band! He was selected from the top grade 11, 12 and first year University band students across Alberta to…
Our Skyhawks did great representing our school this weekend in Delburne. They had incredible growth as a team and FINALLY won their first game! Great job girls!
Students had no school Friday, but our Welding 1167 were hard at work on their first day at Olds College!
Jo Phillips presented to the grade 7s and 8s on: Starting a Social Media Conversation. This presentation discussed positive experiences with social media as well as potential negative impacts. The presentation…
Jan 15 - As per AP 1-13, today is an inclement weather Red Day. All Chinook’s Edge schools and offices are closed today.
Ms.Greene's Chem 20 students were working on acid base titrations today.
Mrs.Blair's Bio 20 class had the opportunity to dissect fetal pigs today.
Well, we knew it was coming...it's getting cold out there this week! If you need a reminder of the Chinook's Edge Inclement Weather protocol, here is the link: https://www.cesd73.ca/parents/inclement-weather…
Grad hoodies are available to purchase through your student quickpay account. They are $43.00 each, and an extra $7.00 for your name to be added. The deadline to order is December 20 at midnight.
Leadership has organized the 12 Days of Christmas, and the first day was door decorating. Halls were busy with students getting crafty and creative with their doors. Judging is December 15th.
Today and tomorrow, we have a group of grade 8 students who are participating in Skills Explorations Days. This event is meant to give students an opportunity to connect skills and interests to trade…
This morning our Grade 9 students had an interactive presentation on impaired driving by the Citizens on Patrol of Penhold.
Science 14/24 students designed 3D models to represent either plant or animal cells in class last week.
Bio 20 students had the opportunity for some hands on learning by dissecting pigs hearts today.
Our PCSS Student Leadership Team is organizing a Food Drive. All donations will be used for families in need within our school community. Please consider donating!
PCSS Student Leadership Team hosted the first school dance in a very long time yesterday. We surpassed our ticket sales goal, and DJ Mateo rocked the house!
Grade 7 Sewing students made themselves backpacks to carry their PE gym strip. Great job guys!
Heppell’s Audio/Visual Production class are filming their Halloween short films. Students are experimenting with cinematography, composition, lighting & editing.
Lifetouch will be back October 26 for retakes. If you missed the first day, or are not happy with your original photos, this is your chance!
Our Jr High Cross Country team did the CENAA run on October 5. They all had great races, but Avery brought home silver!! Great job Avery!
Recently, our PE 20/30 class went to Nordegg to do the Coliseum Mountain Hike. Of course, they had to get a great picture of the summit!
On Friday we had our Awards Night, celebrating academic and athletic excellence in our school for the 2022/23 school year. We were so happy to have some of our graduates return to receive scholarships…
On the 28th, Penhold Elementary School and Penhold Crossing Secondary School came together to run for Terry. Our PCSS Leadership Team ran the assembly, and the Cross Country students started the race…
Our grade 8 students were doing a physics experiment using convex lenses to project an inverted image of a lit candle onto a screen today.
Today we are sharing a feel good story from one of our volleyball parents. She writes, "My daughter Teagan was a part of this team for 2 weeks while we were evacuated from our home in the Northwest Territories…
This morning Eric Walters visited the Penhold & District Library where our grade 8 students enjoyed a spirited presentation by the acclaimed Canadian author.
Today is the first of seven days our TEC 1000 students travel to Olds College. TEC 1000 is a required safety course and the first step into the world of trades. It is part of the Dual Credit program,…
We are very excited to announce that Kassidy is our first grade 12 student who has been accepted to post-secondary! She will be studying Visual Art and Design next year at the prestigious Vancouver Film…
Please join us for our first Parent Council meeting of the 23/24 school year!
PCSS will be participating in the Terry Fox Run on September 28. Our school fundraising goal is $1000.00! You can bring a TOONIE FOR TERRY or donate here.
Our Cross Country Team is off to a busy start, attending Dawe Run and the CEAA Fun Run this week.
Our Sr VB girls had an amazing weekend growing stronger individually and as a team at the RDP tournament. They battled hard in every match playing HHHS, Raymond, St. A’s, Calgary Academy, and HJ Cody.…
Regardless of how our Sr Golf Team does at Zones today, they deserve the award for best dressed team! Good luck guys!
Have questions? Need some advice? Make an appointment with Mr.Heppell!
Ms. Fuentes' English 10 class was working on their image analysis skills today. Students worked in teams to analyze different album covers and lyrics to determine which lyrics possibly went with which…
PCSS hosted our annual ELAA Post Secondary Fair yesterday. Students in grades 9-12 were able to visit booths from 25 different institutions.
We celebrated our first week back together with burgers for everyone today! Thank you to Vanessa and her team for preparing lunch for us.
Girls in Aviation Day is coming up on September 23 from 11am – 5pm at the Red Deer Regional Airport! This FREE EVENT is geared towards girls 8-17, but it warmly welcomes attendees of all backgrounds…
This is a chance for parents to come and meet their student's teachers and tour the school.
Katie's newest banner has arrived! We will hang it proudly, and think of her as she starts this next chapter of her life! Good luck Katie, and again, congratulations!
Stewart and Eileen Ford came to meet this year's recipients of the Ford Family Scholarships. Congratulations to Liam Ball, Maddie Holst, Victoria Twa, Mackenzie Dupont, Devon Murfitt and Logan Windebank…
PCSS Leadership team organized a fun year end event. Students enjoyed freezies and ice cream in the morning, and an afternoon of outdoor games and music!
Grade 8 Students help load the donations from their Mustard Seed campaign!
Grade 8 Students enjoyed a beautiful day at Calgary Zoo for their year end field trip!
Physics 20 students went to West Edmonton Mall to do some hands on research on the science behind amusement parks!
Yesterday was tipi building day at PCSS! Clare Butterfly, along with selected students built our tipi in the cafeteria common area where it will be a fixture in our school and teachings for years to come!
PCSS students attended the 6th Annual Ghost Ryders Invitational in Delburne yesterday. It was a great day of tricks and amazing talent!
Our Jr High Track team defended their 2J track championship last week to bring home the banner once again!
Congratulations to Katie Pasutto for not only winning a bronze, silver and gold medal at the High School Provincial track meet, but beating a long standing record for her gold medal race. She ran the…
PCSS would like to welcome our newest Skyhawks with an open house on May 30 from 4-5! All Grade 6 families who will be transitioning to Penhold Crossing next year are welcome to come and meet the staff…
Mr.Holland's Rock Band students rocked the house yesterday with their amazing performances!
PCSS students, with the guidance of Clare Butterfly, a Knowledge Keeper and our commissioned Tipi builder, are shaving the logs for our school's Tipi!
Please contact the school office if you have any questions or concerns about your outstanding school fees. 403-886-8604 extension 4494 Please make payment arrangements if you are not able to pay any…
Our high school band students are in Banff participating in a conducting workshop and team building activities.
Summer school registration is now open. https://www.cesd73.ca/programs/summer-school
Grade 11 students had the opportunity to tour both SAIT and UofC campuses yesterday. A great way to get a glimpse into campus life as they start to make decisions for next year's applications!
Some of our students attended the Skills Canada Competition yesterday. It was a busy day filled with exhibits and information, as well as many "try a trade" opportunities!
Congratulations to Victoria Twa, the 2023 Class Valedictorian!
PCSS had a special visitor today! Students participated in a scavenger hunt looking for different clues that eventually led them to the Easter Bunny where everyone got Easter treats.
Banquet tickets are now available for purchase through the online payment portal until May 5. These are for both Penhold Crossing and Career High graduates. Tickets are $30.00, and each grad can purchase…
Our Mechanics 9 students were learning how to take apart a motor during Friday's class.
Last week our grad class hosted a spaghetti dinner. Thanks to everyone who purchased tickets, Vanessa, Ms.MacEachern and our amazing grads for making this such a successful fundraiser!
Our leadership team attended the Horizon Leadership Conference in Olds today. A great opportunity for growth as a leader and student!
Happy Pi Day!! PCSS Leadership students are handing out pies to the whole school today to celebrate National Pi Day! Thanks to Vanessa for cooking these up for us!
Our grade 7 and 8's have been out shoveling walks and driveways as random acts of kindness.
Do you have students who are interested in learning more about a CAREERS Internship? We’ll be sharing information about the different career areas that students can explore, answering any questions…
Do you have students who are interested in learning more about a CAREERS Internship? We’ll be sharing information about the different career areas that students can explore, answering any questions…
Get your ticket today! Available from any graduate, or through your online payment account.
Staff and students are celebrating kindness by wearing pink shirts today.
PYC will be having a bake sale every Thursday in February at PCSS!
Our Junior High Crew had a great day at Canyon yesterday!
The grade 7 & 8 ski trip is Wednesday, January 18 and Friday, January 27.
Social 30 students working in study teams to prepare for their upcoming diploma exam.
Do you have a student in Grade 10 or 11? Parents are invited to join us for a discussion on dual credit opportunities, RAP, work experience and high school completion. Please RSVP to klucas@cesd73.ca…
YouthWrite is offering a winter wordplay camp! www.youthwrite.com
PCSS Band Program hosted a Fundraiser Turkey Dinner last night, and of course, supplied the entertainment for the evening. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets!
Grad fundraiser cookies are ready! If you ordered through a grad, they will deliver to you. If you ordered directly through the school, you will need to make arrangements for pick up.
It's Wellness Wednesday, and that means free muffins and biscuits this morning! Every Wednesday, staff and students are treated to a free snack to start their day.
So, you want to be a Land Reclamation Specialist...
Mr.Anderson pulled out all of the stops to dress festive today!
Our K&E students delivered the donations from Operation Christmas Child. Thank you to everyone who donated!
Mrs.Christie-Bill's Grade 9 LA class working on an intro activity to imagery using the 5 senses to create poetic descriptions.
PCSS Leadership has plans to get you in the holiday spirit this December! From festive fun to community service, this December promises to be filled with the spirit of the season.
Miss Fuentes' English 10 class doing and interactive read aloud of Romeo and Juliet.
Our Band Program is having a turkey dinner fundraiser! All funds raised go towards trips and instrument repair/replacement. Contact a band student or the school to get your tickets today!
Staff and students participated in our first pep rally of the year, celebrating our student athletes!
Show your support for men's health and wear a mustache November 18th!
Our grad class is doing a cookie fundraiser until November 18! These are made by our amazing Vanessa, so you can't get much better than that! If you'd like to order, you can do it through the online portal,…
We have been having some Halloween fun over here at PCSS. On Friday, students were invited back to the school in the evening for a free Fall Fest event with games, music and food. On Monday, we had a…
Students in Mr.Heppell's Social Studies 20 class began their two day simulation of the French Revolution on Thursday. In the simulation, students are given the opportunity to experience the three estates…
Congratulations to our PCSS students who earned a Skyhawks Leader t-shirt! Students were nominated monthly as leaders by their teachers. Skyhawks Leaders show kindness, school spirit and are good role…
Our Rec Ed 9 and K&E crew were out enjoying this beautiful fall weather, hiking at Dry Island Buffalo Jump today!
Penhold Crossing staff gathered with friends and family Friday evening to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our Honour Roll students. Congratulations to all!
Join us for games, music, food and fun on Friday, October 28 from 4:30-6:30 pm! Get your free ticket from Mrs.Lucas in the library!
Grade 8 Health class made a Gratitude Tree with the things they are grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving!
Grade 8 students had the opportunity for some hands on learning, dissecting cow eyeballs this morning!
October 5 was Dress Like a Teacher Day to celebrate World Teacher Day. Ms.Shesnuk was so proud to see these three dressed like her.
Please join us in celebrating our exemplary students and their hard work earning a place on the Honour Roll! October 14, 2022 at 6:00pm in the gym.
Our Parent Teacher Interviews will be on Thursday, October 20. You will be able to book an appointment with your student's teacher(s) using the "Bookings" tab on our website very soon!
Our PE 30 class is mountain biking in Canmore today. Some of our students also brought Orange Shirt Day, in support of National Day For Truth and Reconciliation, out onto the trails.
Dress Like a Teacher to celebrate World Teacher Day, and all of the amazing teachers we have here at PCSS!
Our Dual Credit students are on their way to Olds College today, where they will begin courses that will give them both high school and college credits. It also provides an excellent opportunity to see…
There is no school Friday, September 30, in recognition of National Truth and Reconciliation Day. Thursday, September 29 will be Orange Shirt Day at PCSS. Activities to celebrate Indigenous Peoples in…
Our school gathered with Penhold Elementary School last Friday for our annual Terry Fox assembly and run/walk. PCSS raised $416.30 for the Terry Fox Foundation! Go SHYHAWKS!
Our Sr Girls Volleyball Team WON the Consolation Final over Cremona 25-15 25-8!!! We play our first league game at HOME Wednesday night at 6pm vs St. Augustine from Ponoka!!! Hope to see lots of you…
Mr.Anderson's Science 14 class made glucose molecules out of glucose!
Chinook’s Edge respectfully honours the life and legacy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Flags at our schools and offices will be flown at half-mast until after the funeral service and all official…
Over 20 institutions came to PCSS for our annual Post Secondary Fair today. Students were able to speak directly with representatives from each institution, ask questions and take home information.
PCSS staff and students enjoyed Burger Bash once again! Vanessa and Grade 12 students prepared burgers for everyone. Parents were also invited to join in the Friday afternoon fun.
Our Sr Girls volleyball team had an AWESOME Tournament in Bentley on Saturday!!! We tied for second in our pool, but ended up 3rd. We beat Nipisihkopahk, split with Bentley and lost to Caroline. Then…
Staff and students from all three Penhold schools participated in Penhold's Fall Festival parade.
PSCC has a D&D club that meets Thursdays after school! Everyone is welcome!
Some of our K&E students were able to harvest the potatoes they planted in May!
Some of our K&E kids went to try out the fun new games in front of the multiplex today.
You can rent a school chromebook for the year for just $50! Click the following link, fill out the form, and bring $50 to school. Come see Mrs.Lucas in the library, and she will get you a chromebook! …
Staff and students were able to kick the year off with a Welcome Back Assembly, something that has been missing for a while now. It was great to see everyone together again!
Katie Pasutto shows off the Provincial Banner for her gold medal performance.
Mr. Heppell presented the awards for the recent PCHL tournament today at lunch. Congratulations to all of the winners!
Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day. NIPD is a dedicated day for recognizing and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada. More…
Staff and students celebrated Father's Day with "Dress Like Dad Day."
Mr.Heppell's team were the winners of the Penhold Crossing Floor Hockey Tournament! Congrats gentlemen!
Students were lucky enough to get a break in the rain to enjoy a fun day at Bower Ponds.
Mr. Holland's Guitar option quickly grew into so much more, as students learned to play different instruments, how to play together, and to perform in front of an audience! Most of these students had…
Some of our Grade 10 and 11 students were able to tour the NAIT and U of A campuses yesterday.
Some of our Horticulture students were out tending their gardens today.
Students got some hands-on experience learning how to take field notes, and what to observe while eating at our Local Cafe, Ma and Pa's! Mrs. Christie-Bill and her students were incognito to keep…
Congratulations to our Jr.High Track Team for winning the banner at the CENAA track meet!
Our very own Kelly Frere took home the top prize for this year's Provincial School Bus Roadeo! Congratulations!
Katie Pasutto competed in Provincials this past week, and placed first in her 80m hurdles! She also placed 4th in 100m and 6th in 200m! An impressive accomplishment, way to go Katie!
Students had a fantastic day for a hike up to Allstones Lake in Nordegg!
Grade 9 students selling their wares during Market Day, back after 2 years of restrictions.
Congratulations to all of our 2022 Graduates, and a huge thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make the day a success!
Students filled the sidewalks with positive messages and cheerful drawings this week to recognize Mental Health Week.
Staff and students dressed in their Star Wars gear to celebrate May the 4th.
Mrs. MacEachern's Science class were having fun, with hands on learning dissecting cow eyes!
Congratulations to our Junior Boys Basketball team for winning a bronze metal at their tournament this past weekend! Way to go boys!
Junior high honour musicians from across our division came together in Olds, to have a full day of rehearsal followed by a showcase concert in the evening. We’ve got three students from Penhold Crossing…
Click here for the Cafeteria Menu & Click here to log into your student's account to pay for online credits Online Credits are available to purchase within the dates listed below: Oct 26- Nov 2 …